Unfortunately, there is currently no vehicle available that meets the search criteria you specified. Please try again at another time / different day. However, there may be something interesting for you between the following vehicles that are available:

disassembly scooters Sym Orbit

disassembly scooters Benzhou Orbit  2009/4

Benzhou Orbit

ERD: 20092009
fuel: petrolpetrol
mileage: 10.46810.468
disassembly scooters Rieju Orbit Tango 2017/12

Rieju Orbit


ERD: 20172017
mileage: 8.6208.620

Sym disassembly scooters

On the platform of Schadeautos.nl you will always find hundreds of different Sym damaged cars. A Sym damaged car enables you to buy a Sym for a low price. After a refurbishment project or replacement of parts, you can have the car re-tested so that it can be put back on the road.

  • Large stock Sym of damaged cars
  • Attractive prices
  • Daily new supply
  • Via VbV-accredited car dealers


Do you have any questions about a Sym damaged car? Please contact the seller. On the page of the car you are interested in you will also find the contact details of the dealer. Are you a seller or do you have questions about our platform? Then take a look at the page with frequently asked questions or ask your question via contact@schadeautos.nl. We are happy to help you!

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